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Most men thought that females are helpless and are always in need for men to serve. Others say that they are not able to carry responsibilities because of their weak body structure, while the third group accuse women judgement and they return the cause to their  deep high emotions, adding: "Females use to deal with matters by emotions and their hearts but we the men have the perfect view to all subjects and base our judgements on minds".


           But the Noble Quran is far different with men's point of view.

   Where it illustrates these three previous categories in details in three amazing Stories.

  • Femals are Helpless:

Chapter 14

(14/37): "Our Lord, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated

           valley near Your sacred House, our Lord, that they may establish prayer.

           So make hearts among the people incline toward them and provide for

           them from the fruits that they might be grateful".


   Here the prophet Abraham had recieved the command from ALLAH the

Exalted to leave his wife "Hajar" and lovely infant "Ashmael" in a barren land

where no water, no plant, in short..a wide desert except for a small bag containing dates and a tiny sac of water. So he told them to stay and he carried on alone on his way to the levant. "Hajar" his wife called him: "Where gonna you leave us, did ALLAH ordered you to do that??"..The good wife had asked the same question three times, but prophet Abraham didn't answer by words but he just nodded. Can you imagine what was the answer of the righteous Muslim wife?? She replied: "Then go, ALLAH will never get us lost"... what a good Believer with full trust in ALLAH the Continual Sustainer and Provider. After a while their few dates and water had gone, and the infant started to cry because of the hunger, he cried and cried, his mother tried to breastfeed him but in vain. The baby "Ashmael" found no milk to suck, he was starving, screaming and crying much.   


   Let's watch and study well what was the mother's attitude??

There were two mountains nearby called "Al-Safa" and "Al-Marwa" which are about 430 meters far from each other. The strong willing mother ran and ran between them, and on reaching each one, she climbed till its top, to watch if there is any existing water or food nearby. For seven complete times, seven times she kept running fast between these two far mountains searching for water or any food stuff, to bring to her starving sweetheart. And when she was about to collapse, she returned to her infant in a sever sorrow.


   But whoever deals with ALLAH the Exalted never got into a trouble.

Whoever trusts ALLAH the Great never got lost. Yes, this is the meaning of FAITH. So once the good mother was back to her child, she found a spring of water has outbreak beneath his legs..How? Answer: ALLAH had sent the noblest angel "Gabriel" from above seven heavens to outbreak a noble spring, as an enormous grant to her big effort, yea she and her baby were bestowed by the Holyest water on earth, because she had

put all her trust in ALLAH the  Great, the All Merciful, Who never lay down His

lovers. The spring is known in the mean time as "Zamzam".

Besides, going through all that way long seven times was not in vain at all.

I mean for her sake, ALLAH Glory to Him had made the endeavoring between

"Al-Safa" and "Al-Marwa" is an essential legislation in Pilgrimage and Omrah.

"Zamzam" is the only well that never ends till the day of recompense, all

mankind can drink as they wish each minute and it never ends or even

affected. Always fresh, pure and cold. Its structure is completely different from

other water. Its the one that Prophet Muhamed said about:

                    "Verily, It's a blessing and it is food taste and cure for the sick"

and alo said: "The best water on earth is the water of Zamzam"

This blessed well is a result of a woman's effort.


  • Women have a weak body:

Any human body is supposed to stand alone by itself, move by itself,walk, run, sit, eat, sleep, take a bath, and perform all its utilities alone by itself..except the woman. Her body has the ability and full power to carry a creature inside her called an embryo. This embryo abides for nine months within a sac works as an amazing factory abundant with all his needs from food, water, blood, calcium and oxygen till the delivery day, the factory is known as the uterus. All these stuff are lost from the mother's body, more over what she looses in delivery time from blood, which is the soul odf the body. Then ask yourself!! Who serves this baby till he become a man? Isn't she the mother!!

Then they say a woman owns a weak body..funny.


  • Women are emotional:

Let's imagine the world without mercy, without pity, with no compassion, answer will be "No life". Read yourself the noble Hadith of Prophet Muhamed pbuh: "ALLAH has divided mercy into one hundred parts, and He kept ninety nine parts with Him and sent down one part on the earth, and because fo that one single part, His creatures are merciful to each other, so that even the mare lifts up its hoof away from its baby animal lest it should trample on it".


   So the upstream of mercy is the woman, is the mother. Because she is the one who is patient for her kids and therefore generations take place. Using compassion does not ever mean that she doesn't use her mind..Never. But she uses both together to raise up generations with wisdom and love. 


How much a female can bare?















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