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This video shows how can a tree be a teacher to mankind..

this noble Tree taught us how to worship ALLAH the best way.. how to show Him that we are good slaves calling Him with wonderful sweet words to gain His pleasure & love.

Teach me

ISLAM needs people who love to learn. ISLAM is the religion of knowledge.the first word was revealed to Prophet Muhamed.pbuh. was "READ" which means learn everything..prove to your kids that you really love them..teach them the thing they never know or hear about before.... "Islamic Alphabet" plants in them the basics of ISLAM to be your way to paradise.

I just wanna illustrate the greatness & importance of no.7 in ISLAM

this 1st video on YouTube to show that concept.

The Professor asked himself: "Is it possible could be this mummy in front of me is the Pharaoh who was chasing Moses? Is it possible that Muhamad  knew this more than a thousand years? How this mummy was discovered only in 1898, before the almost 200 years, while the existing exchange vows before more than 1400?..Maurice Bucaille said in a loud voice: I have entered Islam and believe in the Noble Quran.

Because Prophet Muhamed is the Teacher of all Mankind, so this is one of what he has teached us in his STYLE LIFE.

This is considered the perfect Guide of an absolute DIET.

Wish to inform people some of what in the Holy Quran to Know the Right.. Realize the Truth and See the Light.

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